The Ideal Master The Master keeps the stars in the heaven
of his hunt aligned in harmony. All the elements including
hounds, horses, nature, and humans profit from his guidance.
His work begins long before the day of the meet and
continues long after hounds are back in the kennel. His
responsibilities never cease. Friendly, tactful,
industrious, generous, of wise judgement and keen foresight,
the Master is respected and liked by the entire
community. The Master owns a splendid old house in
the middle of his hunting territory. His coverts always hold
foxes. His is the best hunt fixture, and meets can be held
there when wet ground or other conditions preclude meeting
anywhere else. His hunt breakfasts and other social
entertainments are the best in the neighborhood. He donates
horses, machinery, much of his time, and the largest hunt
subscription. A strong supporter of community civic and
charitable organizations, he is a leader in farm land
conservation. He has placed his own property under easement,
inspiring his neighbors to do likewise. He makes sure that
foxhunters purchase any real estate for sale in the area and
continue to farm as he does in a foxhunting-friendly
manner. Members of the staff or field may find
themselves riding on the land and near the homes of people
they do not know. This is excusable only because the
Master's diplomacy has preceded them. He has spoken to every
landowner and farmer, ensuring that hounds and foxhunters
are welcome. He bestows Christmas gifts to all landowners in
appreciation for their kindness. He learns the whereabouts of every spooky
herd of cows and skittish band of broodmares to be avoided.
He has amassed an encyclopedic knowledge of landowners'
wishes. Here the field must ride on the driveway and not on
the grass; there they must ride on the shoulder and keep off
the driveway. The Master reiterates these orders to his
staff and field before and during the hunt. The rider who
strays onto the seeded field, or breaks some other rule,
wishes he hadn't. However, if the Master must report
livestock or property damage to the landowner, even though
caused by someone else, he takes responsibility for the
error. The buck stops with him. Hat in hand, he humbles
himself in apology and remedies the problem at his own
expense and trouble. The Master is not motivated by ambition,
ego or jealousy, but by love for his hounds and the sport
they provide. He delights in sharing this pleasure with his
field. He particularly encourages juniors. He restrains
thrusters. He graciously welcomes guests. At the meet he
seems delighted to see all present. Though he has
innumerable details to include in his ingenious plan for the
day, his manner is cordial and relaxed. When hounds are running, he is a valiant
cavalry commander rallying his troops. A matchless horseman,
superbly mounted, the sight of him inspires and emboldens
his followers. He concentrates not on himself but on his
followers, and how to provide them the best vantage points
without interfering with hounds. Though hounds might be in
full cry, he will stop to talk to a landowner or farmer,
sending the rest of the hunting field ahead if
necessary. No pace is too fast and no obstacle too
tall for him. The bravest fences his friends have ever
jumped are ones they followed him over. Yet his better
judgement never leaves him. He may make a lengthy detour or
decide to pick up hounds. To avoid offending a landowner or
damaging property, he overrules the overenthusiastic who
would push on to a brilliant conclusion for the day with
adverse consequences. He would not risk the loss of an
entire fixture to account for a single fox. For all his good works, a grateful field
and staff thank the Master at the end of a good day and the
end of the season. The ideal Master would perform these
duties and embody these virtues. Probably no single man or
woman could ever combine all of these qualities. The number
who mourned the passing of this Master indicates how close
he came to the ideal.
By Barclay Rives
In & Around Horse Country